Summary: | Shannon came in to visit Dr. Lindsay today because she is “tired of being homeless” and was nearly sexually assaulted when she was sleeping on the street in a tent by a self-storage center. During the interview, Shannon details her trajectory from the time she was a high school cheerleader 10 years to her present condition. After a cheerleading injury, Shannon was prescribed Lortabs for her hip and elbow. Her mother continued refilling the prescription even though Shannon no longer needed the opioids for her injury. Since becoming addicted, Shannon has been in and out of numerous rehab facilities and describes several instances in which she overdosed and was revived by paramedics. After rummaging through friends medicine cabinets to steal pills and being cut off from her family, Shannon began using heroin. As a result of Shannon’s drug use, her family went bankrupt attempting to pay for her rehabilitation. Shannon expresses considerable guilt at what she has done to her family and cannot believe she is still alive after all these years. Now, Shannon is determined to stay alive and wants to stop using for good. She openly describes her current drug use, which is every other day, but she is trying to “taper off” heroin by taking Percocets and Oxys once more. To pay for her addiction, Shannon admits she once performed sexual acts for drugs, but currently works at the Salvation Army store. She insists she wants to get her life on track.