Summary: | Mrs. Margo doesn't know what to do with her son Shane who faces charges for setting a barn on fire with his friends. In the past Shane was expelled from school, lied, stole goods from stores, harmed animals, and generally made life difficult for Mrs. Margo by disobeying her house rules. Shane is disrespectful and unhappy to be here. He repeatedly denies or dismisses his mother's frustrations.This training title highlights the major symptoms of Conduct Disorder. Symptoms of Conduct Disorder may include: a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated. The behaviors may include: bullying, threatening, or intimidating others; initiating physical fights; using weapons that can cause serious physical harm to others; being physically cruel to people and/or animals; stealing while confronting victims; or forcing people into sexual activities. Other behaviors may include: deliberately engaging in fire setting with the intent of causing serious damage or intentionally destroying others' property by other methods. Additional behaviors may include: breaking into others' houses, buildings, or cars; lying to obtain goods or favors to avoid obligations; and/or stealing items of nontrivial value without confronting victims such as shoplifting. Other behaviors include serious violations of rules such as: often staying out at night despite parental prohibitions; running away form home overnight; and/or being truant from school.