Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Conté: Scientific authority, academic leadership, axiological reference / Josep Lluís Micó, Miriam Díez, Alba Sabaté
  • Monster prayer books and timid bishops: a 19th-century perspective on religious authority and media in the U.S. Catholic Church / John H. Osman
  • Authority, nev media, and the church / Paul A. Soukup, S.J.
  • Christianism as a public sphere of the digital world / Odile Riondet
  • Authority in digital ecology: a Christian perspective / Basilio G. Monteiro
  • The authority of Pope Francis and the Internet culuture / Antonio Spadaro S.J.
  • Bobblehead Church: the ecclesiological effets of Catholic online celebrity / Matthew Tan
  • Authority and obedience: engaging Benedictine spirituality for digital communication / Daniella Zsupan-Jerome Ph.D.
  • Interpretative authority in an Internet-driven participatory culture / Caroline Cerveny, SSJ-TOSF
  • Are yo my neighbor? theology, networks, and encounters with God and others / Stephen Garner
  • Crowdsourcing divine truth? "Sensus fidei" and theological authority in the social media culture / Joseph Scaria Palakeel
  • Social media networks and systems: a study of Aleteia / Alexandre Alvarenga Ribeiro
  • Magisterium positioning / Johannes Ehrat, S.J.
  • Courage to lead and build bridges of trust / Marianne Ejdersten
  • "Redemptive leading" : barriers and opportunities in a digital world / Matthias Scharer
  • Gameful learning and theological understanding: new cultures of learning in communities of faith / Mary Hess
  • Russian religious leadership : the Orthodox perspective / Victor Khroul