Table of Contents:
  • Introduction / Xabier Irujo and Hilari Raguer i Sunyer
  • Terror bombingCampaign in Euskal Herria / Xavier Irujo
  • Himmler's Shadows over Euskal Herria / Ingo Niebel-- The Basque Children and the Bombing of Gernika: An Event that Shaped their Lives /Susana Sabín-Fernández
  • Myrmidon and Atlantikwall, or the Military Importance if Iparralde / Ingo Niebel
  • Anti-Semitic Practices in the Service of Nazi Genocidal Pans in the Basque Country / Mixel Esteban
  • The Basque Intelligence Services in the Americas / Iñaki Goiogana
  • Basques in the Liberation of Europe: the Gernika Battalion / Iñaki Fernández
  • The Nazis, a Contested Site of Memory in Twenty-First-Centuri Basque Fiction / Mari José Olazirregi
  • Joan Mirande and the Ideological Question of National Socialism / Aurélie Arcocha-Scarcia
  • Aerial assault on Catalonia: Nazi and Fascist terror bombings / Joan Villarroya
  • - The Port of Barcelona as a military target in the Spanish Civil War / Oriol Dueñas Iturbe
  • The wounded city: the traces of the Nazi and Fascist aerial bombing of Barcelona / Laia Gallego Vila and Queralt Sole
  • The Vatican Archives and the Civil War / Hilari Raguer
  • Catalunya del Nord under the Vichy Regime, 1940-1944 / Daniel Roig I Sanz
  • The Catalan (and Spanish) Republicans under Nazism / Antoni Segura i Mas
  • The long shadow of Nazism in Catalonia, 1933-1947 / J. M. Sole i Sabate