Table of Contents:
  • Conté: Picture books for science education in bilingual kindergartens / Valéria Árva – Songs and Narrative Structures in Storybooks for Young Learners / Mireia Canals-Botines, Núria Medina-Casanovas
  • Autobiography and Storytelling: an Evident Bond between Life-story and Story-novel / Rossella Certini / Intercultural Practice in English through Storytelling. Questions and contributions / Marta Corominas Salom, Ignasi Arumí Prat / Identity and gender in the picture book. The case of leo lionni / Chiara Lepri
  • Transmedia storytelling. Expanding narratives beyond the borders / Miquel Pujol-Tubau
  • And They Taught Happily Ever After / Éva Trentinné Benkő