Item Description: | First edition of the Peregrinatio published from a manuscript at Arezzo, discovered by the editor; a revised edition appeared the following year as fasc. 2°-3° of the Studi e documenti di storia e diritto, anno IX. The authorship has since been ascribed to a nun, Aetheria (Etheria, Eucheria) mentioned by a Spanish monk, Valerius (7th cent.) in a letter to the Fratres bergidenses. cf. Dom Férotin, Revue des questions historiques, v. 79 (1903); P. Geyer, Die wirkliche verfasserin der "Peregrinatio Silviae" in Archiv f. latein. lexikogr. XV. (1908); Teuffel, vol. III (1913 Schanz, vol. IV (1914). The Arezzo manuscript includes the Tractatus de mysteriis of Hilarius, followed by three hymns of doubtful authorship, in the manuscript ascribed to Hilarius. |