Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Conté: Handling problematic texts: ethical critique and moral enrichment / Oddbjørn Leirvik
  • Transformative hermeneutics in the making through the co-reading of biblical and qur'anic texts by Muslim and Christian women / Anne Hege Grung
  • The interrelatedness of the holy scriptures: the Qur'an as an interpretation of the Bible / Stefan Schreiner
  • The suspension of the expertise in scriptural reasoning / Nicholas Adams
  • On the way towards a dialogical theology / Katja Drechsler and Thorsten Knauth
  • Developing islamic theology in the European context / Safet Bektovic
  • The authors of the Qur'an are still alive: the Qur'an as an act of the communication / Mouhanad Khorchide
  • The Qur'an on the exclusivist religious truth claim: a ma'nā-cum-maghzā approach and its application to Q 2:111-113 / Sahiron Syamsuddin
  • Adam and Eve from the perspective of contemporary feminist exegesis of the Qur'an... / Dina El Omari
  • Holy scriptures and the challenge of the animal ethics fundamental guidelines of animal ethics in Islam / Asmaa El Maaroufi-Ulzheimer
  • Images of God in crisis situations / Naveed Baig
  • Reading Genesis-an invitation to dialogue / Clare Amos
  • Implications of divine communication in the Christian tradition: the case of 1 Samuel 1-7 / Kenneth Mtata
  • Dealing with sacred scripture: New Testament, otherness ans intersectionality / Marianne Bjelland Kartzow
  • "Choose life so that you and your descendants may live": climate change as a case study for a contextual hermeneutics / Martin Kopp