Table of Contents:
  • Conté: Salvation in Paul's judaism / Michael F. Bird
  • Covenantal theology and participation in Christ: Pauline perspectives on transformation / William S. Campbell
  • Paul's covenantal theology in 2 Corinthians 2.14-7.4 / Thomas R. Blanton, IV
  • Paul, Israel and the Gentiles: hermeneutical and exegetical notes / Michael Bachmann
  • Paul's relationship to Torah in light of his strategy 'to Become Everything to Everyone' (1 Corinthians 9.19-23) / Mark D. Nanos
  • Paul's letters and the relationship between the people of Israel and the Church today / Philip A. Cunningham
  • A christian-jewish dialogical model in light of new reserch on Paul's relationship with judaism / John T. Pawlikowski
  • Sharing God with others or dividing God from powerlessness: a late-modern challenge by the heterotopian experience of the New Paul / Hans-Joachim Sander
  • Paul at the intersection between continuity and discontinuity: on Paul's place in early judaism and christianity as well as in christian-jewish dialogue today / Hans Hermann Henrix