Hebrew Bible, Old Testament the history of its interpretation

Detalles Bibliográficos
Otros Autores: Saebo, Magne (-), Brekelmans, C., Haran, Menahem, Fishbane, Michael A., Ska, Jean Louis, 1946-, Machinist, Peter
Formato: 991006573209706719
Publicado: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1996-2015
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Volume I : From the beginnings to the Middle Ages (until 1300). Part 1 : Antiquity / in co-operation with Chris Brekelmans and Menahem Haran.
  • Conté : 1. Inner-biblical exegesis / Michael Fishbane
  • 2. The interpretative significance of a fixed text and canon of the Hebrew and the Greek Bible / Emanuel Tov, John Barton, John W. Wevers
  • 3. Early Jewish biblical interpretation in the Qumran literature / Johann Maier
  • 4. Early Jewish interpretation in a Hellenistic style / Folker Siegert
  • 5. Scripture and Canon in the commonly called Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha and in the writings of Josephus / Robert A. Kraft, Steve Mason
  • 6. Social and institutional conditions for early Jewish and Christian interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, with special regard to religious groups and sects / Jarl Fossum
  • 7. From inner-biblical interpretation to early Rabbinic exegesis / Jay M. Harris
  • 8. Formative growth of the tradition of Rabbinic interpretation / David Kramer, Richard Kalmin, Jacob Neusner, Étan Levine
  • 9. New Testament interpretation of the Old Testament / Hans Hübner
  • 10. The development of scriptural interpretation in the second and third centuries, except Clement and Origen / Oskar Skarsaune
  • 11. The question of Old Testament Canon and text in the early Greek church / Oskar Skarsaune
  • 12. Greek philosophy, hermeneutics and Alexandrian understanding of the Old Testament / J.F. Procopé
  • 13. The Christian exegesis of the Old Testament in the Alexandrian tradition / J.N.B. Carleton Paget
  • 14. Exegesis of the Old Testament in the Antiochene school with its prevalent literal and historical method / Sten Hidal
  • 15. Exegetical contacts between Christian and Jews in the Roman Empire / Günter Stemberger
  • 16. The interpretative character of the Syriac Old Testament / Michael Weitzman
  • 17. The Christian Syriac tradition of interpretation / Lucas Van Rompay
  • 18. The Latin Old Testament tradition / Eva Schulz-Flügel
  • 19. Jerome : his exegesis and hermeneutics / by René Kieffer
  • 20. The reception of the Origenist tradition in Latin exegesis / Christoph Jacob
  • 21. Augustine : his exegesis and hermeneutics / David F. Wirght
  • 22. Church and Synagogue as the respective matrix of the development of an authoritative Bible interpretation : an epilogue / Magne Sæbø
  • Volume I : From the beginnings to the Middle Ages (until 1300). Part 2 : The Middle Ages / in co-operation with Chris Brekelmans and Menahem Haran.
  • Conté : 23. The Problem of periodization of "the Middle Age's" : some introductory Remarks / by Magne Sæbø
  • 24. Political and cultural changes from the Fifth to the Eleventh Century / by Aryeh Grabois
  • 25. Jewish Bible Interpretation in Early Post-Talmudic Times
  • 26. Gregory the Great : a figure of tradition and transition in Church Exegesis / by Stephan Ch. Kessler
  • 27. The Institutional framework of Christian Exegesis in the Middle Ages / by Ulrich Köpf
  • 28. Aspects of Old Testament interpretation in the Church from the Seventh to the Tenth Century / by Claudio Leonardi
  • 29. Genres, forms and various methods in Christian Exegesis of the Middle Ages / by Gilbert Dahan
  • 30. Masters and disciples : aspects of Christian interpretation of the Old Testament in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries / by G. R. Evans
  • 31. The Flourishing Era of Jewish Exegesis in Spain
  • 32. The School of literal Jewish Exegesis in Northern France / by Avraham Grossman
  • 33. Jewish Exegesis in Spain and Provence, and in the East, in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • 34. The School of St. Victor in Paris / by Rainer Berndt
  • 35. Christian interpretation of the Old Testament in the High Middle Ages / by Karlfried Froehlich
  • 36. Development of biblical interpretation in the Syrian Churches of the Middle Ages / by Lucas van Rompay
  • 37. Elements of biblical interpretation in Medieval Jewish-Christian disputation / by Günter Stemberger
  • Volume II : From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment / in co-operation with Michael Fishbane and Jean Louis Ska.
  • Conté : 1. From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment : aspects of the cultural and ideological framework of Scriptural interpretation / Magne Sæbø
  • 2.1. Nicholas of Lyra and Old Testament interpretation / Lesley Smith
  • 2.2. Levi ben Gershom/Gersonides / Seymour Feldman
  • 3. Bridging the Middle Ages and the Renaissance : Biblia Pauperum, their genre and hermeneutical significance / Tarald Rasmussen
  • 4. Some sociopolitical and cultural aspects of the Renaissance / Trond Berg Eriksen
  • 5. The philosophical context of the Renaissance interpretation of the Bible / Jeremy Catto
  • 6. The institutional framework of theological studies in the late Middle Ages / Ulrich Kopf
  • 7. Ad fontes! The early humanist concern for the Hebraica veritas / Arjo Vanderjagt
  • 8. Isaac Abarbanel : from medieval to Renaissance Jewish Biblical scholarship / Eric Lawee
  • 9. The textual and hermeneutic work of Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam / Erika Rummel
  • 10. Scriptural interpretation in Renaissance Spain / Emilia Fernandez Tejero, Natalio Fernandez Marcos
  • - 11. Early Christian Hebraists / Sophie Kessler Mesguich
  • 12. From the first printed Hebrew, Greek and Latin Bibles to the first polyglot Bible, the Complutensian polyglot: 1477-1577 / Adrian Schenker
  • 13. Scriptural interpretation in pre-Reformation dissident movements / G.R. Evans
  • 14. From the Reform councils to the Counter-Reformation : the council as interpreter of Scripture / Oskar Skarsaune
  • 15. The cultural and sociopolitical context of the Reformation / Euan Cameron
  • 16. The Reformation as an epoch of the history of theological education / Ulrich Kopf
  • 17. The exegetical and hermeneutical work of Martin Luther / Siegfried Raeder
  • 18. The exegetical and hermeneutical work of John Oecolampadius, Huldrych Zwingli and John Calvin / Peter Opitz
  • 19. Pluriformity of early Reformation Scriptural interpretation / R. Gerald Hobbs
  • 20. Humanism and Reformation in England and Scotland / Richard Rex
  • 21. History and impact of English Bible translations / Henry Wansbrough
  • 22. Three French Bible translations / Bertram Eugene Schwarzbach
  • 23. Scriptural interpretation among Radical Reformers / Hans-Jurgen Goertz
  • 24. Further development of Reformation hermeneutics / Bernt T. Oftestad
  • 25. Catholic Old Testament interpretation in the Reformation and early confessional eras / Jared Wicks
  • 26. The educational system during the confessional period / Ulrich Kopf
  • 27. On the threshold of a new age : expanding horizons as the broader context of Scriptural interpretation / Charlotte Methuen
  • 28. The development of the Reformation legacy : hermeneutics and interpretation of the Sacred Scripture in the age of orthodoxy / Johann Anselm Steiger
  • 29. The Catholic counterpart and response to the Protestant orthodoxy / Pierre Gibert
  • 30. The polyglot Bibles of Antwerp, Paris and London : 1568-1658 / Adrian Schenker
  • 31. Later Christian Hebraists / Stephen G. Burnett
  • 32. Growing tension between church doctrines and critical exegesis of the Old Testament / H.J.M. Nellen
  • 33. The Bible hermeneutics of Baruch de Spinoza / Steven Nadler
  • 34. Early Old Testament critics in the Roman Catholic church : focusing on the Pentateuch / John W. Rogerson
  • 35. English rationalism, Deism, and early Biblical criticism / Henning Graf Reventlow
  • 36. Early rationalism and Biblical criticism on the Continent / Christoph Bultmann
  • 37. Scriptural understanding and interpretation in Pietism / Johannes Wallmann
  • 38. Scriptural interpretation in English literary tradition / Stephen Prickett
  • 39. Hermeneutics in Hasidism / Moshe Idel
  • 40. Early Old Testament critics in Great Britain / William McKane
  • 41. Early Old Testament critics on the Continent / John Sandy-Wunsch
  • 42. Historical criticism of the Old Testament canon / John H. Hayes
  • 43. Jewish study of the Bible before and during the Jewish Enlightenment / Edward Breuer
  • 44. Towards the end of the 'century of Enlightenment' : established shift from Sacra Scriptura to literary documents and religion of the people of Israel / Henning Graf Reventlow.
  • Volume III : From modernism to post-modernism (The nineteenth and twentieth centuries). Part 1 : The Nineteenth Century : a century of modernism and historicism / in co-operation with Peter Machinist and Jean Louis Ska.
  • Conté : 1. Fascination with 'history' : Biblical interpretation in a century of modernism and historicism / Magne Sæbø
  • 2. Historical, cultural and philosophical aspects of the nineteenth century with special regard to Biblical interpretation / Jan Rohls
  • 3. The phenomenon of 'historicism' as a backcloth of Biblical scholarship / Gunter Scholtz
  • 4. Expansion of a historical context of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament / Steven W. Holloway
  • 5. Expansion of the anthropological, sociological and mythological context of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament / J.W. Rogerson
  • 6. Expansion of the linguistic context of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament : Hebrew among the languages of the ancient Near East / Holger Gzella
  • 7. The 'new world' of North America and Canada : and the globalization of critical Biblical scholarship / James P. Byrd
  • 8. Protestant Biblical scholarship on the European continent and in Great Britain and Ireland / J.W. Rogerson
  • 9. Biblical scholarship in Northern Europe / Jesper Høgenhaven
  • 10. The Catholic Church and historical criticism of the Old Testament / Gerald P. Fogarty
  • 11. Jewish Biblical scholarship between tradition and innovation / Edward Breuer ; Chanan Gafni
  • 12. The 'history of Israel' : its emergence as an independent discipline / Jean Louis Ska
  • 13. 'Lower criticism' : studies in the Masoretic text and the ancient versions of the Old Testament as means of textual criticism / Richard D. Weis
  • 14. 'Higher criticism' : the historical and literary-critical approach : with special reference to the Pentateuch / Thomas Römer
  • 15. The work of Abraham Kuenen and Julius Wellhausen / Rudolf Smend
  • 16. Albert Eichhorn and Hermann Gunkel : the emergence of a history of religion school / Erhard S. Gerstenberger
  • 17. In the wake of Wellhausen : the growth of a literary-critical school and its varied influence / Rudolf Smend
  • 18. A conservative approach in opposition to a historical-critical interpretation : E.W. Hengstenberg and Franz Delitzsch / Rudolf Smend
  • 19. Studies on the historical books : including their relationship to the Pentateuch / Karl William Weyde
  • 20. Prophecy in the nineteenth century reception / Christopher R. Seitz
  • 21. Studies of the Psalms and other Biblical poetry / Klaus Seybold
  • 22. Studies of the didactical books of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament / Katharine J. Dell
  • 23. The question of a 'Biblical theology' and the growing tension between 'Biblical theology' and a 'history of the religion of Israel' : from Johann Philipp Gabler to Rudolf Smend, Sen. / Joachim Schaper
  • 24. Modernity's canonical crisis : historiography and theology in collision / Stephen B. Chapman.
  • Volume III : From modernism to post-modernism (The nineteenth and twentieth centuries). Part 2 : The Twentieth Century : from Modernism to Post-Modernism / in co-operation with Peter Machinist and Jean Louis Ska. Conté : 25. In our own, Post-Modern time - introductory remarks on two methodological problems in biblical studies / by Magne Sæbø
  • 26. Basic questions of hermeneutics as part of the cultural and philosophical framework of recent Bible studies / by Dagfinn Føllesdal
  • 27. The linguistic context of biblical hebrew and aramic in the framwork of semitic philology, including semitic epigraphy / by Steven E. Fassberg
  • 28. Institutions and social life in Ancient Israel : sociological aspects / by Anselm C. Hagedorn
  • 29. The legacy of the literacy-critical School and the growing opposition to historico-critical Bible studies : the concept of History revisited - Wirkungsgeschichte and reception history / by John Barton
  • 30. The emergence of the form-critical and traditio-historical approaches / by Antony F. Campbell
  • 31. Contemporary methods in hebrew Bible criticism / by David J. A. Clines
  • 32. The significance of the Old Testament in Twentieth Century systematic Theology / by Manfred Oeming
  • 33. Types of a recent "Canonical Approach" / by Dennis Olson
  • 34. Studies in the hebrew Bible / Old Testament in the Americas of the Twentieth Century / by Douglas A. Knight
  • 35. Studies in the hebrew Bible / Old Testament in Africa, Australia / New Zealand and Asia
  • 36. Biblical scholarship on the European Continent and in the United Kingdom and Ireland / by John Barton
  • 37. Biblical scholarship in Northern Europe / by Antti Laato
  • 38. Major developments in Jewish Biblical scholarship / by S. David Sperling
  • 39. Questions of the "History of Israel" in recent research / by Jean Louis Ska
  • 40. Changes in Pentateuchal criticism / by David M. Carr
  • 41. Historiography in the Old Testament / by Walter Dietrich
  • 42. The Prophets and the prophetic books, prophetic circles and traditions : new trends, including religio-psychological aspects / by Marvin A. Sweeney
  • 43. The Psalms : their cultic setting, forms and traditions / by Corinna Körting
  • 44. The Phenomenon and literature of Wisdom in its Eastern context and in the biblical Wisdom Books / by Knut M. Heim
  • 45. The Study of law and ethics in the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament / by Eckart Otto
  • 46. Problems and prospects of a "History of the Religion of Israel" / by Joachim Schaper
  • 47. Old Testament theology : preliminary conclusions and future prospects / by Bernd Janowski
  • 48. Modern theories of translation with special regard to recent Bible translations / by Jan de Waard
  • 49. A Brief epilegomenon to the History of interpretation of the Hebrew / Old Testament / by Magne Sæbø