Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Conté: Lecture session 1: chaired by Ivo Rauch
  • Schutzverglasung: ein thermodynamischer Rückblick auf die letzten 30 Jahre, Erfolge, Misserfolgeund Schlussfolgerungen für zukünftige Projekte / Hans-Jürgen Daams & Michael Robrecht
  • The inherited condition: the complex methodology required to conserve the west choir windowsof Naumburg Cathedral, Germany / Sarah Jarron, Jana Hildebrandt, Mayre Maquiné, Emily Yates
  • Finding faces: reconstructing liturgical identity in the Medieval west choir windows at Naumburg Cathedral, Germany / Emily Yates, Sarah Jarron, Mayre Maquiné, Jana Hildebrandt
  • Lecture session about the "Glaziers' Tables": chaired by Sarah Brown
  • The White-Washed table and the Medieval windows of Girona Cathedral / Anna Santolària
  • Lecture session 2: chaired by Sarah Brown
  • The importance of preferences and taste in the conservation of works of Art / Fernando Cortés Pizano
  • The use of particle accelerator analysis to identify the origin and production processes of 16th-Century stained-glass windows at St Mary’s Cathedral in Auch / Barbara Trichereau, Claudine Loisel, Françoise Gatouillat, Michel Hérold
  • Konservierung historischer Spiegel. Konzept und Konservierung historischer Spiegel aus den Audienzgemächern Augusts des Starken im Dresdener Schloss / Markus Kleine, Simone Schmidt, Christoph Sander
  • Narrative from nonsense: questions of identity in the St Cuthbert window, York Minster / Katharine Harrison
  • Lecture session 3: chaired by Yvette Vanden Bemden
  • Automatic determination of damage to cultural assets by means of artificial intelligence / Michael Robrecht, Markus Boeger, Hans-Jürgen Daams
  • Ludwig Mittermaier und seine Glaswerkstatt – ein Multitalent des 19. Jahrhunderts / Susann Seyfert, Dunja Kielmann
  • Die Glasmalereien der Liebfrauenkirche aus Oberusel im Taunus. Eine Betrachtung der Fenster von Giselbert Hoke aus kunst- und restaurierungs technologischer Sicht / Ronja Lammers, Markus Kleine, Steffen Holtmann
  • A new isothermal system that avoids the cold bridge between the external and internal glazing (a solution specifically designed for extreme weather conditions) / Rob MacInnes
  • Lecture session 4: chaired by Claudine Loisel
  • The historical requirement on the identity of a piece of art / Paloma Somacarrera
  • Documentation and reconstruction of the depiction of the Virgin Mary in the 15th-Century stained-glass window of the Annunciation from the Dominican Monastery in Kraków / Edyta Bernady
  • The stained glass conservation of Trinity Church, Wall Street / Brianne Van Vorst, Drew Anderson
  • Lecture session 5: chaired by Ellen Shortell
  • La dalle de verre : évaluation de méthodes non invasives pour le diagnostic des oeuvres menacées / Sophie Wolf, Johannes Hugenschmidt, Christophe Gosselin
  • Against the dying of the light: enamel analysis and the conservation problems of Art Nouveau Windows / Jordi Bonet, Martí Beltrán, Trinitat Pradell
  • Grisaille Production: some examples from the 14th to the 20th Centuries / Carla Machado, Márcia Vilarigues, Luís Cerqueira Alves, Teresa Palomar
  • Physico-chemical insights into sanguine and carnation based on reproduced historic rècipes / Anne-Catherine Perreau, Helena Wouters, Aletta Rambaut
  • La restauration des vitraux de la chapelle royale du Château de Versailles / Claudine Loisel, Barbara Trichereau, Stéphanie Touron
  • Challenges with the exhibition of stained glass: a discussion among researchers, conservators, and craftspersons / Virginia C. Raguin
  • La conservation préventive des vitraux : la verrière de protection / Adèle Rellier, Barbara Trichereau, Claudine Loisel
  • Preserving idols in stained glass: conservation assessment of Napier Waller's stained-glass windows at the Australian War Memorial / Jacqueline Jordan
  • Text en català de les Directrius per a la conservació i restauració de vitralls (Corpus Vitrearum/ICOMOS, Segona edició, Nuremberg 2004)
  • Scheme of Girona Cathedral’s stained-glass windows / Anna Santolària
  • Restauration of the Pedralbes stained-glass Windows / Montserrat Pugès i Dorca
  • Schemes of other churches in Barcelona with old stained-glass Windows / Corpus Vitrearum Catalunya