Introducción al Antiguo Testamento
Gottesherrschaft und Endgericht in der Verkündigung Jesu : eine Untersuchung zur markinischen Jesusüberlieferung einschließlich der Q-Parallelen
One God, one cult, one nation : archaeological and biblical perspectives
From epic to canon : history and literature in ancient Israel
Jews, Christians, and the theology of the Hebrew scriptures
According to the scriptures : the origins of the gospel and of the church's Old Testament
Messianic exegesis : christological interpretation of the Old Testament in Early Christianity
The intertextual Jesus : scripture in Q
Blasphemy and exaltation in Judaism and the final examination of Jesus : a philological-historical study of the key Jewish themes impacting Mark 14,61-64
On stone and scroll : essays in honour of Graham Ivor Davies
The concept of time in the Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Sparks of the logos : essays in rabbinic hermeneutics
Schriftgelehrte traditionsliteratur : fallstudien zur innerbiblischen schriftauslegung im Alten Testament
Studies on the text and versions of the Hebrew Bible in honour of Robert Gordon
Gottes Herrlichkeit : Bedeutung und Verwendung des begrifffs kābôd im Alten Testament
Philo, Josephus, and the Testaments on sexuality : attitudes towards sexuality in the writings of Philo and Josephus and in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
Origen and the Jews : studies in Jewish-Christian relations in Third-Century Palestine
Biblia de los cruzados : ms. M.638 de la Biblioteca Pierpont Morgan de Nueva York, ms. Nouv. Acq. Lat. 2294 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia, ms. Ludwing 16;83.MA.55 del Museo J. Paul Getty en Malibú
'Un hombre en Ausítide llamado Job : estudio comparativo de la parte narrativa de Job en LXX y en el texto masorético
Collectanea biblica