Pandulf (sometimes spelled Pandulph or Pandolph) may refer to:*Pandulf of Pisa, 12th-century Italian cardinal *Pandulf Verraccio (died 1226), papal legate to England and Bishop of Norwich *Pandulf Ironhead (died 981) *Pandulf II of Benevento (died 1014), also known as Pandulf the Old *Pandulf II of Capua (died 983) *Pandulf II of Salerno (died 983) *Pandulf III of Benevento (died 1060) *Pandulf IV of Benevento (died 1074) *Pandulf IV of Capua (died 1050) *Pandulf V of Capua (died after 1027) *Pandulf VI of Capua (died 1057) Provided by Wikipedia